Dear sweet, gorgeous Santa...

Im in love with "Cloud Guy" 2009 by Frank. These little statues are such a hoot I have been lusting over them for years, maybe this year I'll get lucky:)
I think these cheeky little poppets would make the coolest gift to a mum or a friend. Salt pigs (as they are commonly known - best kitchen accessorize name ever) are so super useful and they just look so pretty. I personally am smitten with the Emile Henry (you can get them at that rad kitchen shop at the cape quarter - I forget the name help anyone?) and the Le Creuset one (via Yuppiechef If you are planning on buying one make sure you wrap it up next to a box of Maldon sea salt. Gifting an empty pig is like giving a kid a toy with no batteries.

Im of the belief that one can never ever have enough white takkies. They go with everything and anything and are a wardrobe staple that I firmly believe in. Now that I have successfully murdered 3 Mr P pairs, and 2 Country Road pairs I have decided to give Astore's Feiyue's a bash. I couldn't face leaving them to go stale in their shop window, that would just be cruel.
So that is about it in the Christmas Round up stakes for now but fear not my lovelies, tomorrow is another day and there are many gifts left to be lusted after.
I got a salt pig (complete with crushed and smoked salt) for my kitchen tea... what a dream!