Piccies by the lovely Kamini Pather of Deelishuss
I recently met the Macaroon wunderkind Daniela Dotan. I blogged about Decadent Dani's a little while ago and announced to the world that she would be opening in Durbs in December. I got completely beside myself with excitement, jumped the gun as usual and then the worst happened. Some hoochy sex shop opened right by her potential spot so she has had a few delays while she looks for a new store. She ensures me that she has found a bigger better more fab one so I'm not completely heart broken. So opening will be more around Feb- just in time for your man to spoil you on Vday (there is that great timing thing again!).
Now I consider myself to be quite the Macaroon connoisseur and let me tell you these little darlings in the picture look very lady-like and petite. As usual pictures lie! Dani's macaroons are like the Eva Mendez of macaroons. They are sexy and girly but they come with big curves and and a much fuller figure than the usual dainty jobs you see else wear. I even close my eyes and go oooohhhmmm like that irritating girl in the Aero ad when I eat them- They are that good!
Dani landed in Durbs last week and I jumped at the opportunity to grab a cup of coffee with her and make friends because well she is a macaroon guru and I am a macaroon addict so naturally we are destined to be bff's so i thought i would speed up the process. Dani arrived clutching a beautiful box bursting with heavenly macaroons and instantly won me over. I am so excited for Dani to open her store here so that the girls of Durbs can be introduced to the heaven that is a macaroon hang over and the warmth that is Dani Dotan.
so happy that Daniela is getting the support in Durban :)
ReplyDeletecannot WAIT!!! (pesky sex shops)