
Thursday, July 29, 2010


I don't know about you but I am OBSESSED with Giuliana and bill I watch their show obsessively and wish wish wish I was her. She is freaking hilarious lets not forget how rad her wardrobe is either the woman is pretty much living the dream and now you can too) Softlips is hosting a potentially life changing competition that could allow you to get those manicured toes of yours into the door and from there I mean there is pretty much nothing stopping you from taking hold of that mic and ripping it out of Giulianas hands and having your own TV show and writing a book on how fab life is and well what ever you want. So, instead of sitting at your desk pining for the glamorous life you never had whilst you doodle on post its, follow this link and enter- it costs nothing.

This could be you kids all surrounded by baby rabbits and fame and glory, irresistible.


Malcolm and Christiaan invites everyone in Durban to view their latest collections

"KLuK CGDT DURBAN TRUNKSHOW" this Thursday and Friday

at 406 Essenwood Road, Berea
Thursday from 2pm - 6pm
Friday from 9am - 5pm



Head over to Vida for your fix or check it out on the Obrigado site


Heavens above can you actually just get off your phone and take a good gander at the pendant below and how beautiful it is. I mean this girl has taken cut-out obsession to an all time high- I cannot compete with that. Marietjie Beeselaar is the woman responsible for your wednesday afternoon delight. She is a Cape Town based jeweler- how stoked are you that I didn't just say Norwegian or Icelandic (is that the correct terminology)- So you really can have your own cut out spoon without having to contact the the other side of the word and wait months only to find the Sa postal system has 'mis-placed' your package. You can just go to her etsy shop or her blog and bob is your uncle.

today i...

I am sorry for being such a useless this week I have been running around in a thousand directions getting my little business up and running but from next week things will be back to normal hooray- exciting things on the way but for now here is a leaf out of being brazen's book

Today I...

... could go to the gym and swim or sit on my ass hmmm tempting 
... drank a cup of fruit infused green tea and it was delicious
... wish I had a Canon 50d
... plan make my little budding business bloom into a giant flowery tree
... have absolutely no will power and will eat you if you stand to close
... realised just too many things had to be done
... can't seem to take my mind of you
... am in a very happy t shirt
... want to be 5cm taller
... feel rather giddy with excitement
... think I should stop procrastinating and get some work done

Saturday, July 24, 2010


My step mum is something of a crafting guru. She knits, crochets, bakes ginger bread houses with snowey roofs its crazy but awesome at the same time.Every time I go home she is busy squirreling away at something beautiful that I wish was mine. On my last visit home I decided it was time to make my dreams a reality. Step one was my knitting education- much to the birds horror- it started off being a bit of a birds nest train smash and lesson in serious patience and untangling but I finally conquered the cable stitch- you see my use of terminology-and I now have 2 fabulous throw pillows for my couch they are too cool. Now that project 1 is in the can I have been looking around for another project to quench my new found crafting thirst. This is where Mimi Kirchner comes in. Mimi is what is commonly known as a Fibre artist- no she is not the world champion all bran consumer (so childish I know but I couldn't help it)- but rather a seriously crafty fox who makes the most glorious wooly creations. I stumbled upon her dolls the other day and it was only this morning when i was pondering over the whole 'what on earth am I going to do with all my free time now that there is no knitting to be done" that I realised the answer. I am going to make my own Mimi Kirchner inspired doll. I'm thinking of making a man doll- the steamy circuis guy has me smitten the moustache is too irresistabe for words... 

I love the tattoos such a stunnnig idea- I wish it was mine.

wifey here is also muy caliente 

Friday, July 23, 2010


On my recent trip to Knysna I made a terrible discovery, a small bread shop called Ile De Pain that has haunted my dreams and taste buds ever since. Why so terrible you ask? well it's because I am now back in Durban thousands of miles away, tomorrow is Saturday and there is no one here who makes anything close to their chocolate croissant and let's be serious- what is Saturday morning without a chocolate croissant. I heard about this little gem a while ago Ile De Pain has been in my top 5 restaurants to test drive for ages and ages but my geographical impediment has left me blissfully unaware and in the dark. When the Knysna Forest marathon came along I decided it was time to cash in those air miles and make the pilgrimage and maybe do some running too.

I decided that the day before the race aka eat anything you want with a smile on your face day would be the perfect opportunity to head down to Thesen Island and see what the old Isle of Bread had to offer me. Every one knows that the trick to any kind of race over 5km is good carbo loading- so when I entered this place I call heaven and was hit with the smell of freshly baked bread and my eyes with a bustling hive of kneading, folding and rising I knew I was in good hands. I started off with a freezing cold glass of home made lemonaid  the dived straight into their vegetable terrine ( A sublime castle of veggies built high on a foundation of the softest most dreamy ciabatta and finished off with these slow roasted tomatoes that would literally melt your heart) and I finished it all off with a glorious cappuccino and a cellophane bag filled with these crazy cocoa crusted roasted almonds that were sweet and crunchy but also chocolaty but also aaaaaaaaaaaah. I felt that I was losing out by not sticking around until I had had a bite of everything on the menu but races had to be run and blog posts posted and lives lived so I folded my napkin and left but not without a copy of their Cafe food recipe book tucked neatly under my arm so I could try and recreate some of the glory I had just been bathed in. 

- their bread list just so you can get an idea of the level of bread love we are talking here
these guys don't stuff around.

I know you are probably reading this now thinking well thanks for nothing what am I going to do stuck here in Durban with no way of sharing in this delight that you talk of- well my lovelies I have good news, I know I cannot bring Ile De Pain to you so you are going to have to work with me here. The lovely folks over at Ile De Pain have very kindly allowed me to share one of their recipes with you so now you can get domestic on your Saturday, get your Martha Stewart on, make some brownies and sit outside in the sun with a big class of cold milk and a slab of heaven and bask in the glory that is Ile de Pain.

If you click on this Cafe Food link you can get a preview of the book as well as a downloadable pdf with some more recipes.


Imagine rolling into town on a pug I wish she had little gun holsters on her hips and pants with tassels close your eyes and look at that image its too much. via imaginarium


Here at Durban Central, I like to let you kids know what is coming up in advance (about 69 days to be precise) just so you have time to prepare, sell some possessions, siphon some money out the rent jar and into the shoe fund jar when no one is looking so you can be well prepared for when something like this comes along. Meet your next shoe love- they will be available on the shelves of Woolworths in October. Now that you have been warned you can go and scrummage through your closet and find an outfit that absolutely needs these shoes. That way, come October you will have the necessary excuse and funds to make these babies yours. via Kim Gray

Vodacom Durban July Invited Designer Showcase studio photographs

So kids here are the official pics of the designer showcase. I can't believe how intricate and beautiful some of these dresses are my personal fav is Fancois Vedemme the dresses immediately swept the obsessive cut-outer in me straight off my feet! Which one would you wear if you had the chance?


David Tlale

Fancois Vedemme (SHI-WOW)



Abigail Betz


Leigh Schubert

Lindiwe Khuzwayo

RJKay Creations


Mike Narainsamy


painted in thick oils with a palette knife, hanging next to a sunny window.